Feb 25, 2021
Stephanie Taylor is Co-Founder of HMO Heaven and Rent 2 Rent Success with her sister Nicky. At the age of 45, she founded HMO Heaven, a property management business, and has since attracted contracts worth £2m in 3 years.
Then Stephanie launched Rent 2 Rent Success to help professionals who feel stuck because they’d like to get started in property ethically but feel that don’t have the enough time, enough money or the right knowledge to get started.
On this episode of the Get Paid Podcast, Stephanie takes Claire on a wild tour (really!) of the world of property management, shares how her almost 7-figure year has changed her as a person, and walks us through the messiest launch in the history of this show (and how it changed her life).
Important links:
Rent 2 Rent Success website https://rent2rentsuccess.com
HMO Heaven website https://hmoheaven.co.uk
The Rent 2 Rent Success book https://getbook.at/rent2rentsuccess
Stephanie on instagram https://rent2rentsuccess.com/insta